Clock Strikes谐音歌词 ONE OK ROCK日语歌

歌词大全编辑了日语歌“ONE OK ROCK-Clock Strikes”的歌词中文谐音,让想学“Clock Strikes”歌曲的更直观的用中文谐音,看谐音歌词唱歌,通俗易懂,助您快速学会Clock Strikes歌曲,歌词来源于生活,下面一起来通过谐音歌词学唱Clock Strikes。

Clock Strikes歌曲歌词谐音
What waits for you?
What's breaking through?
Nothing for good
You're sure it's true?
哎一哎嗯 那嗯太那一斗一 kii带西吗 他啦
阿吗 里你 某撒 比西 不带 塞促 那一 带休
哦为 某嘎 后嗯 头哇 西嗯 几他一 盖斗
五啦 给啦 来来 吧夫嘎 kii足促一带西吗五 某弄
斗kii子 口斗嘎带 给嚓那啦
What will we have?…
Believe that time is always forever
And I'll always be here
Believe it till the end
I won't go away and won't say never
It doesn't have to be friend
You can keep it till the end
他买西你哎一哎嗯 那嗯带那一斗 一 kii喽哦
嗖西大啦 kii报哦呀又买 哇一哭七怒 大喽哦
嗖来嘎嗖嗯咋西那一 口斗弄在次报哦 
嗖五走我西带米带报哭哇四告西 吗大
买哭路 白哎几 弄太 哦头买路
How will we have?…
Believe that time is always forever
And I'll always be here
Believe it till the end
I won't go away and won't say never
It doesn't have to be friend
You can keep it till the end
Believe that time is always forever
And I'll always be here
Believe it till the end
I won't go away and won't say never
It doesn't have to be friend
You can keep it till the end

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